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2014-06-20 22:44 GMT+02:00 Cigydd <>:

So does somebody have an idea what's causing the remaining delay by
loading the ODS spreadsheets?
One of the files contains about 30 sheets, each of them 1-3 pages long.
But it can't be the cause because the other file contains only 1 sheet
with 4 rows.

​Knowing that the printer issue is still real (and fixable somehow) is good

Now, as to why some specific files take longer to open, there's too many
causes to rule out, and some of these causes might even be invisible.

Maybe there's a lot of complex formula that gets calculated when loading,
maybe there are macro that run when opening these files, or maybe it's
something else (although I believe there is an option to not compute
formula automatically... this might need to be tested).

It might be impractical for the 30 sheets document, but you can try this:
select all content from the 1-sheet document, and copy/paste it in a new
calc file. Then, check how long this new file take to load...

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