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2014-06-20 13:46 GMT+02:00 Cigydd <>:

So is there any solution to my problem except having the two computers
which share that two disconnected printers always turned on or switching
them on each time I need to work with LibreOffice on the third computer
(which is a notebook)?
I know, this sounds crazy but this is Microsoft.

​I can't tell for sure if that's the culprit, but if it is, you might be
able to mitigate the issue by installing a virtual printer like a pdf
printer (if you don't have one already) AND setting it as the default
system printer. This might help, as the default printer asked for
properties should always be "present" now.

Of course, if that's not the cause of the issue, I have no idea. Does this
happen with every document, or just a handful/documents in specific
folders? There's two things that comes to mind: either some document got
exceedingly complex from the parser point of view (usually happen when
switching back and forth between different formats), or some other windows
magic is at work. (I don't exclude a possible bug in LO, but since it's a
relatively rare problem, it's more likely due to some strange interaction
than due to LO in itself.)

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