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Hi :)
It might be interesting to ask the same question in a few other places,
although some places might need options such as "i don't use office
software often" or using the names of the equivalents in KOffice/Caligra.
 I wonder if a proper vote thing could be set-up easily on the Apache
OpenOffice forums and/or the Ask LO forum.  It still wouldn't be a proper
indication as people could vote again on each different place.  Still it
would give a larger population froma  slightly more diverse group(s).

Don't worry about having gone against most of the respondants.  It's
important that we kinda take it in turns to push boundaries as it helps us
be a more rounded community.  It is good that each person here makes a
Regards from
Tom :)

On 18 May 2014 22:50, Tom Cloyd <> wrote:

I was simply concerned to grab an opportunity to educate. One sees these
sorts of pseudo-surveys all the time, and people think they actually mean
something - which is to say that we can infer something from them. That is
completely fallacious.

I'm a relentless educator. That's my problem. There's no fix for it. Maybe
if I stopped breathing....but I'm not yet ready to try that!


On 05/13/2014 09:05 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Tue, 13 May 2014, Tom Cloyd wrote:


I don't think Virgil is doing this "for fun". I don't think the
respondents think their responses are meaningless. Seriously now: who in
their right mind is interested in the practices of those who bother to
respond to this would-be survey? What possible importance can be attached,
at all, to their responses? I don't get it. If there isn't some degree of
belief that this matters (which is cannot, as I've previously explained),
what's the point?

it's called 'getting acquainted with people in a group'. people do this
at parties too.

hard to see what's objectionable about it unless one doesn't like
parties. (I don't mean political parties.)



Tom Cloyd, MS MA (LMHC, WA State)
Cedar City / St. George, UT, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
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* Founder: Google+ Trauma and Dissociation Education and Advocacy community

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