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On 1/29/2014 10:07 AM, Dominique Michel wrote:
Le Tue, 28 Jan 2014 20:41:42 -0500,
charles meyer <> a écrit :

I've got 3 or so separate PDF files.

I'd like to merge them all into one PDF file in Writer in Office

Each page of each PDF file has a lot of empty space around the
graphic image.

Ex. 2 inches above and below the graphic on each page and a good 3
inches on each side of each graphic is white, empty space.

Is there a way to eliminate all the empty space around each graphic in
in each page in each PDF or once all the PDFs are merged into one
larger PDF?
On Linux, you can open a pdf file with a pdf viewer, as example with
evince, select what you want to copy, do a right click and select copy.
Then in writer you can copy it. Only the text will be copied, and you
will loose most of the page layout and things like links. Also, it will
not work if the pdf is copy protected.
If the pdf is selectable/copyable text, you can also export it directly 
to a plain text file with pdftotext (on linux).

For the pictures, the viewer comes with a set of console tools like
pdfimages that can extract the raw pictures, or pdftoppm that can
extract the whole pdf as a set of pictures. Be aware that images into a
pdf can be a real mess, because they can be rotated, mirrored, or
split into small pieces. In the 2 first cases, convert can be used to
rotate and mirror back the pictures, in the last case, only pdftoppm
can let you extract the pictures.
When clients send me pdf files full of images to be translated,
I often just snap a screenshot of them and manage the images in GIMP.
In such cases, I am reconstructing their document in LO (in English,
whereas the originals come to me in any of French, Portuguese or Spanish), so then I just insert the images into the document in LO.
Of course, I could probably just import the whole PDF into GIMP (pages 
as images, not layers), and then grab the images I need by cropping the 
pages for them.

translations, localization,
multilingual web development

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