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On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 10:57:05 AM -0500, Felmon Davis wrote:

I concur that the rhetoric about drug-dealing is too heated and is
even if that were true, in most practical cases is the most effective,
if not simply the ONLY way, to make ordinary computer users pay
attention for at least ONE minute to the fact that they do have a
dependency problem, and to what ACTUALLY causes that dependency.

otherwise we'll remain stuck to discuss irrelevant or useless  measures like this:

if Microsoft offered Word, WordPerfect, LO or whatever and said,
take your pick, that would be different.
when the only thing that is really necessary is to stop using
proprietary **formats**

the difference would be that users would see alternatives and trial
and how this would change anything, as long as the only way to
exchange files with other users (ESPECIALLY public administration)
with the smallest possible amount of compatibility issues remained to
use MSO, because nobody, including many FOSS advocates, bothers enough
to demand open file formats?

the only practical outcome would be some variation of:

"I like WordPerfect much better than MSO, but it makes all the files I
send to my boss look funny, so I have to use MSO too"



M. Fioretti         

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