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On Tue, October 1, 2013 11:40, Felmon Davis wrote:

am I mistaken? I thought any https address is already encrypted.

There is encryption and then there is ENCRYPTION.  PKI certificate keys are
only used to authenticate and to establish a cipher and share a secret session
key between two hosts.  If the negotiated key/cipher is low quality then the
resulting https session data stream may be compromised with relative ease.

Unfortunately many, if not most, web servers are configured to allow low
quality session encryption.  Likewise many browsers are still shipped with
support for low quality ciphers.  Both these conditions are in large measure a
consequence of early US government restrictions on cipher use by the public
and some places, France?, still have them I think.  So once the https session
handshaking is complete using your RSA-4096 public key you can still end up
running an https session encrypted with an MD5 level cipher.  And with few
exceptions you have very little control over what your browser chooses to use.

However, since you know the security level and cipher choices at both ends of
your ssh tunnel (because you set them up in the first place) then that link is
as secure as can be made.  As it is the public access point where the greatest
danger of eavesdropping occurs a private ssh tunnel secures the weakest link.

DNS leaking is another security issue relating to public wifi hotspots but
that is a story for another time.

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James B. Byrne      
Harte & Lyne Limited
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