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I have LO on Xubuntu 12.04. I am creating a document that has
18 pages of front matter, after which I want to start page numbering (I
don't need numbers on the front matter). I want page 19 to be numbered
page 1.

Something seems to have happened between the last version of LO that I
used and this one. Now there are always a default footer and header that
appear when I mouse over them.

Page 21 starts with "Chapter 1" centered at the top of the page. I
placed the cursor in front of it and entered a section. However, doing
so added a line break so that "Chapter 1" is now on the second line. If
I delete the line break apparently it deletes the section marker. I'm
not sure of this, however, because I can't find a way to make section
markers visible. It might still be there, because if I try to insert a
section it shows Section 1 and assumes I want to label the new one
Section 2.

And assuming I can figure out how to enter a section without an added
line feed, or that my section is still there, how can I create a footer
that exists only in that section? And how do I enter a page number in
the footer with a -18 offset, because I already tried that and it won't
accept a negative number?

I tried the Help but it didn't explain any of these things. E.g., for
page number offset it just says "enter the number for the offset" - not
a word about negative numbers. 

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