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Hi Stephen,

On Mon, 2013-03-18 at 08:34 +1100, Stephen Morris wrote:
    I am having all sorts of problems with the source code in Eclipse. I 
have created a new blank C++ project in Eclipse and imported the entire 
sc directory into that project. Subsequently I have opened 
dpgroupdlg.cxx in the editor (I'm also not sure why Eclipse displays all 
directories duplicated) and Eclipse is displaying errors on just about 
every statement in that file.

        Well - that's really Eclipse' problem :-) can you turn off it's bogus
error display ? I guess getting help with Eclipse would be a good thing
to do. Potentially you don't want to create a project - but just use it
to edit the specific files.

    I think the first thing I need to do is to find all the include 
files and add those directories into the include file path in the 
project properties. One of the problems I have is that the statement 
"com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy::SECONDS," is producing an 
error complaining that symbol SECONDS is not found.

        This is from an UNO / generated header. It seems highly unlikely that
Eclipse is going to do a perfect job of building LibreOffice. As such, I
would use it as a syntax-colouring text editor - not in it's all-seeing
monster mode ;-)

How I  configure eclipse to consider the idl file to be the same as
the hpp file so that these symbols get resolved?

        I have no idea. You need to edit the code with some sort of source code
editor, Elipse is one option. If it can't control it's urges to try to
understand the entire (apparently not built) code-base then I'd
recommend using something else ;-)

    I am also having difficulty determining which dp module equates to 
the dialog that gets displayed for variables that are dragged to the 
pivot table layout areas, to specify the attributes of those variables. 
Is there any documentation anywhere that explains what each module 
within the suite actually does and how they relate to what is actually 
displayed by Libreoffice for each function it performs?

        Each module ? each top-level directory has README - patches to improve
them appreciated. Sadly there is no further good structural
documentation at all.

        In general - if you want to go from the UI -> the source code, you need
to go via the .src files - which you can grok for user-visible strings,
and then look for the defined names of those in the .hrc files - which
are shared between resources and C++ and hence into the relevant source
code and down to a widget.

        Hope that helps :-)


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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