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On 11/29/2012 11:28 PM, Chris Carlson wrote:
I find it really frustrating that all of you are opening the document fine. Of course you all seem to be using Linux or LO version 3.6. On Nov 25, I downloaded the latest version, and it was 3.5.7. Silly me to think that this is the latest version.
So, I installed (build 58f22d5), and it opened for me, too. I 
had all the column issues you had, but like you said, it's easy to fix.
Apparently, the problem I had has been fixed.


I suspect it is a regression in 3.5.7 that was fixed in the 3.6 series. Usually these problems are not OS specific but it is usually an important detail to note to run down the problem.

On 11/29/2012 7:05 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:
On 11/29/2012 11:45 AM, Chris Carlson wrote:
Okay, I must be brain-dead.  I misread "nabble" as "nobble."

Looking at nabble, it's way more than I need if anyone want's to look at the document with which I'm having trouble. It can be downloaded from
Thanks, all, for the support.


I had no problems opening the document us LO Version (Build ID: 58f22d5) on Linux Mint. I noticed the pagination may be slightly off but otherwise pictures looked good and apparently in their proper places. The text did not have any funny characters or gibberish.

Jay Lozier

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