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Thanks once again Girvin!!!!

On 11/03/2012 11:30 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
1. Look at "/etc/my.cfg", the mysqld configuration file.
I have searched my whole drive and can not find a file with this name (??)
[even after running "mysql_install_db" as mentioned below - No such file on my system!!]
  2. ping localhost
[root@localhost ~]# ping localhost
PING localhost.localdomain ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms
I highly recommend reading the Section "Post-Installation Setup and Testing" in the MySQL Reference Manual. This document is a good source for configuring and testing MySQL.
Will go and look at this.

Started Base and selected my old DB to get to the Edit screen - BUT when I go there "Connection Type" is grayed out!! Tried again selecting the new SQL DB but again the "Connection Type" is grayed out!!
I don't understand what you mean by "new SQL DB"? Did you try creating a new Base database connection with the wizard?
NO - I created my "new SQL Database" in MyAdmin and then imported all 
the fields from the previous time I did this.
But somehow the 'Connection Type' is now available to me BUT still gives 
me communication error!!!!
   Host name should be localhost. - *IT IS*
   Port number should be 3306 - *IT IS*
MySQL JDBC driver class should be com.mysql.jdbc.Driver if you are using JDBC. - *IT IS* For reference, I am using mysql-connector-java-5.0.7 with MySQL 5.0.67 and LO 3.5.3 . Not the latest, but it works. Under edit -> database -> Properties -> "Advanced Properties", you can set up the database name and authentication:
I'm using mysql-connector-java-5.1.22, with MySQL 5.1.55, and LO 
(Build ID: da8c1e6), and phpMyAdmin 3.5.2.
   "Name of the MySQL database" is the name of the database you used 
in the CREATE DATABASE mysql statement. *YES*
   "User name" is the user name you used in the GRANT statement - *IT IS*
"Password required" should be checked if you set up a password in the GRANT statement. - *IT IS*
But 'Test Connection' still gives me the "Communication Failure"!!

This sounds like Base still can't talk to the server through localhost.
The var/lib/mysql Folder is there but is EMPTY(??)!!!!! (and has no permissions) and I can not delete it.
Are you looking at /var/lib/mysql as "root"?  - *NO I WAS NOT!!*
Tried as 'root' and I can now see it - thanks for that!!
Oops! I don't think I told you about "mysql_install_db"? If not, that's my bad. I am sorry I left it out. That needs to be run before anything else, including the mysqld server. Here is the correct sequence of configuration:
   (set up my.cfg)
   mysql_install_db --user=mysql     #creates the databsae structures.
   mysqld_safe  --user=mysql &       #script to run the mysqld server.
   NOTE: sometimes called safe_mysqld
   mysql_secure_installation             #removes insecure
   mysql --user=root -p mysql          #Allows you to create your
   databases, user names, permissions, etc.

No - you did not tell me about this!! So I followed the instructions and 
got positive response all the way!!
(set up Base)
Went back to Base - BUT still get the dammed "Communication Link 
I'll go off and read the "Post Installation Guide" you mentioned and see 
if I can spot anything.
This is REALLY getting to be a total PITA - This is the 4th time I've 
tried to get this to work in the past 8 months or so. I really DON'T 
understand why it has to be such an involved and impossible way to do 
But I DO thank you Girvin (and others) who have been trying to help me.

Installing MySQL and getting Base working with it is not trivial, as you have seen. As far as I know, there is no one document to describe the process. Now add in all the other database server systems out there that Base can connect to and it really expands. That is why I keep notes on what my process is for the time I upgrade my Linux and have to do it all over again.
I also started a "Linux Set-up Document" when I started with the OpSys. 
I think the first one was one or one and half pages. 4 years on it is 
now over 20 pages of notes, methods, tips and tricks!! And *IF* I get 
this to work that will add a few more pages!!!
Thanks again and all the best

Pretoria RSA.

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