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Hi :)
For me the best part of Gordon's post was about the MVPs.  

The costs are the least important bit for me.  If the finance department want to spend loot on 
something i don't want and the Board agrees then i'm in no position to stop them however annoying i 
think it is.  I just keep using LO because it's better [shrugs].  I'm just lucky to be able to 
install it myself on my system.  On my own system i use LO too and the fact that it's free is just 
a bonus.  It's not the main reason for my using it.  

That MVPs have occasionally recommended LO is really cool!  Also it was interesting to hear that 
there are good Windows forums.  
Regards from
Tom :)  

From: webmaster-Kracked_P_P <>
Sent: Friday, 12 October 2012, 14:36
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice in MacWorld Australia

I have not found any deals for me or my associates that would bring 
buying MSO for under $100.  It looks like your people had bought 
MSO-2010 and just bought the right to add in on a few more systems.

With the new pricing structure that MS is doing, i.e. renting that was 
in a different thread, it will become expensive to buy MSO soon.

When I was using Windows for all my computer needs, I "sniffed out" as 
many free packages as I could.  I was not able to afford to buy the 
software I needed and had to find legally free sources.  I still 
maintain a Windows software list page for such free packages, but I do 
not look for those packages actively any more.

MS is talking about a "family plan" license for renting and installing 
MSO on all of your household system for one low-price-per-year, but I 
hate the idea of renting my software. [this idea was beaten to death in 
a different thread so do not start it again here].

On 10/12/2012 08:58 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
WOW!!!  I wish i had thought of it.  It's brilliant! :)

Re: costs, my 'work' place (does it count as work if you enjoy it?) just bought several MSO 2010 
licenses for about £15 each.  The newer MS office comes out soon so there are all sorts of 
special offers, such as for charities, students, and other vulnerable people.  We have a chap 
that is excellent at sniffing out such deals and being able to buy in bulk helps.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Gordon Burgess-Parker <>
Sent: Friday, 12 October 2012, 12:39
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice in MacWorld Australia

On 11/10/12 23:48, Andreas Säger wrote:
Windows users can run MS Office easily and for little money (if any). Why should they use 
LibreOffice if all they want is cheap MS Office? Idealism? Masochism?

They can also run WordPerfect, Lotus Smartsuite, Abiword and a number of other applications. 
Why should you be so anti Windows users running LO?
The cheapest version of MS Office in the UK is Home and Student and costs about £75. The free 
version (Office Starter) is crippled adware (and only contains Word and Excel anyway), and that 
only comes with a machine that has a trial version of Office 2010 installed. You can't download 
it from anywhere.
Surely it's better to get them running LO rather than a crippled version of proprietary 
software? When I post in the MS Answers forums in reply to certain questions I always suggest 
that if they can't afford to upgrade to the latest Office version, that they have a look at LO. 
One or two MVPs do this as well.
Once Windows users begin to realise that they don't NEED MS Office products, then it's only a 
short step to not needing Windows at all. :-)

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