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On Sat, 6 Oct 2012, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 10/06/2012 11:37 AM, Spencer Graves wrote:
On 10/6/2012 6:13 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 05.10.2012 14:09, John Clegg wrote:
I thought LO was emulating MSO 97??

Read-only is the only sensible way to open other people's files (web
downloads, mail attachments).


      What if I want to edit it?  Are you outlawing collaborative
work?  I'm confused.



Usually "Save As" 'will allow you to create an editable version.

The issue is security and balancing usefulness and safety. If you are
only allowed to open with limited privileges (no macro execution or
editing) the possibility of infecting your computer unintentionally with
malware is lessened considerably. This gives the users a chance to
verify before granting full privileges on their computers.

Having cleaned serious malware infections on friends and coworkers
computers; the inconvenience is worth the protection. It is not perfect
but puts another step in the way of disaster.
I am still not sure how one gets an infection from saving a file as 
writable. on a Linux system it's not executable, not sure how it works 
on Windows.
how would infection occur?

(if you download an .exe file in Windows, it wouldn't matter if it's writable, right?)

Felmon Davis

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