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Le 01/09/12 17:58, Dave Long a écrit :

Hi Dave,

The file has 4 columns of data: in the first is a date, in the second an item description, in the 
third a number (my example records amounts paid into or taken out of a bank account, so this is a 
sum of money), and the 4th column holds the account balance, so it is the sum of the number above 
and the number entered in column C. The file has a title row then 5 rows of entries as above.

With LO, I insert a new line 4 - that is, between the 2nd and third entries that I 
started with. Into the new row I add for example:
A4                               B4                               C4
31 Aug 2012 <tab> New row/item <tab> 100.00   

Then I drag the "ear" of D3, which contains the formula, =D2+C3, down to cell D7 which still 
holds the formula, =D6+C7, and is returning the balance before the extra line was added. When I 
let go the mouse button, the program quits and the document requires recovery on the next start.
Note that I have a workaround (when I remember): delete the calculations I need to update before 
trying to copy the calculation in D3 down the column. It's a perfectly acceptable workaround, but 
obviously it shouldn't be necessary :)

I have a feeling that this is a known bug, which should be fixed for 3.6.2 :


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