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       What is the reason for anyone using these templates? ...
          it's much simpler to start with a blank sheet then when it's time
to print, it fits onto whatever stationery and/or typing paper desired..

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Dan <> wrote:

anne-ology wrote:

        So here's another reason not to update from 3.4;
            my suggestion would be to delete this version and re-install
previous one, where these can be turned off.

       Or you could keep your cursor below the top of the text area of a
document. You could also create a default template which will have a solid
10% gray line around the text area. Just don't stray above the top of this
"grey box".


 On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Don Anderson <> wrote:

Hello, I am not quite sure how to use this listserv, so my apologies if I

am doing something incorrectly.

Using LO, everytime I'm near the top of a page in Writer, a blue
line appears and the words "Header (Default)" inviting me to type in the
header field.  Likewise with the footer when I'm near the bottom of the

Is there any way to turn this behavior off?

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