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Hi Don,

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Don Anderson wrote:
Curses... absolutely not?  Any chance this might be changed in the next

It is a constant annoyance, if there is no solution, I will be switching to
Apache's OO.

With another annoyance?  ;)

Maybe two "workarounds" (somehow or other):
- If practicable, edit your document in 'Web Layout' (Menu View → Web Layout)
- Play with the color settings:  Menu Tools → Options → LibreOffice →
Appearance → Custom colors → Text Document → Headers and footer


On 08/14/2012 03:09 PM, Manfred J. Krause wrote:
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:47 PM, Don Anderson wrote:

Hello, I am not quite sure how to use this listserv, so my apologies if I
doing something incorrectly.

Using LO, everytime I'm near the top of a page in Writer, a blue
line appears and the words "Header (Default)" inviting me to type in the
header field.  Likewise with the footer when I'm near the bottom of the

Is there any way to turn this behavior off?

Unfortunately not.

You may add a comment to
Bug 46141 - UI: Header/footer prompts should only appear if user
clicks in header/footer area


I'm Sorry

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