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On Mon, 13 Aug 2012, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

I did not know that you could "make" the email client state "Reply List" instead of the text on the "Reply All" button. I run Thunderbird 14.0.

I have to get use to using the "Reply List" instead of "Reply" to post a message to the thread. It could be confusing to people, but does make it easier to send a message to the poster, off list. I use to copy the email address of the poster and then paste it to my "To:" section. This will be easier to do that, but hopefully not too many people will forget to use the "new" "Reply List" button instead of the "Reply" button.

myself, I am not so clear why people are interested in sending private email to people on a public list. I did it yesterday but only because I had trouble posting to the list and was overeager to get my word ('hucksterism') in.

the default mode on a list of replying to the list made sense to me. not a big deal for me since I mostly lurk.


On 08/12/2012 09:53 PM, Anthony Easthope wrote:
I quite like this idea of change as it now seems that less mistakes
should be made!

On Mon, 13 Aug 2012, at 01:33 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 18:31 12/08/2012 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
this is to inform you that the reply settings on this list have
changed (so-called "Reply to mangling" has been disabled).
Well done!

This new way fails safe.  A message intended to be public may get
sent privately by mistake - a minor inconvenience that can easily be
remedied by sending the message again correctly.  The old method
risked messages intended to be private being sent publicly - a
unfortunate consequence that simply cannot be undone.

Interestingly, there's an argument that list processors have no
business inserting a Reply-To header, which is instead the sole
domain of the message's author.  RFC 2822 appears to require this:
'When the "Reply-To:" field is present, it indicates the mailbox(es)
to which the *author* of the message suggests that replies be sent"
(my emphasis).  The author of a message, of course, is not the list.

Brian Barker

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Felmon Davis

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before we get to them.
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