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On 8/10/2012 7:44 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 16:31 10/08/2012 -0700, Andrew Brager wrote:
The answer suddenly dawned on me. I believe it was Brian Barker that actually provided the solution to my problem, so he gets 90% of the credit. As he suggested to me, create a template. I think that might work for you too. If he's willing, Brian would be a better guide on how to do that than I.

That's very kind of you, but I must protest! I don't recognise this description, and whoever really did you this favour deserves all that credit, not me.

(Frustratingly, I cannot find his wonderful explanation to me. ...

Er, neither can I!

Brian Barker

Turns out it was Dan. Sorry about that Dan (and Brian)! I trust you don't mind if I repost your explanation of how to use templates?

Anne - Perhaps you'll be able to adapt it to your situation. There's some help in the help file - use "defaults;fonts" as your search string. If that's not enough, maybe Dan (or anyone else) can help you. Or, I could be wrong about the solution.

Dan wrote in a different thread:

I think your subject points to what you want: the term "Default". You need a default template with the styles you use regularly. What you need to do is to create a Writer document with the styles that you want to use. You will need to use an empty line for each paragraph style you want and apply a style on each line. You also need to look at Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Paths. There Templates has two paths listed separated by a semi-colon. The latter is the path where you want to save your document as a template. Then save the document as a template using the second template path. (*.ott This is one of the formats available when saving a file.) File > Templates > Organize Templates. Double click the My Templates folder to open it. Your template should appear under My Templates folder. If not, right click My Templates and select, Import Templates. Browse to where you saved your template, and select it. Now it should be visible. Now, right click your template. Select Set as Default. Close LO. Any time you open Writer, you will be using the template you have just created. Title will be available all the time.


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