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El 28/07/12 15:42, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) escribió:

I have an rainfall.ods document that has 24 tabs. Two of the tabs
contain figures and the balance contain graphs of the figures.

I recently experienced a problem, it would seem after my last tab
addition, that prevents me from creating a PDF file of the selected

The PDF export works fine on other files regarding `Export as PDF', why
not on this file?

I was using LibreOffice 3.3 and have since updated to LibreOffice 3.4.5
OOO340m1 (Build:1505). Unfortunately the newer version is unable to
`Export as PDF' on the selected TABS either!!

What could be wrong? There are no special characters in the sheet names
bar possibly a space.

I will gladly send this file to anyone who can assist as I need to
create and post to a public user mailing list a PDF at the end of the

Help is much appreciated
Verify you have not marked in the same tab the option:
Embed OpenDocument file.

Miguel Ángel.

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