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Am 03.06.2012 01:21, Jay Lozier wrote:
Can you please explain why you create docx and xlsx and not doc and xls?

To keep others happy,
How can you be sure that you keep others happy with a poorly supported 
file format? Why should a user of MSO be unhappy with doc/xls being a 
second native file format of his/her office program?
He will never see any difference between doc and docx made by 
LibreOffice except that chances are much higher to get a broken docx. 
When you import docx back into LibO chances are higher that you do not 
see the same document as the sender does because there are plenty of 
features that do exist in MSO but not in LibO.
I think there is not a single _technical_ reason to export OOXML as long 
as MS supports their old binary formats. And for the more _emotional_ 
part: OOXML is made to fight ODF.

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