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On 04/23/2012 10:51 AM, BKh wrote:
  >  What is a "PocketMod booklet" ?
  >  What are the page dimensions?

If you click on this link (from the original post) the photo will show
the layout far better than I could possibly explain.

In case you don't have access to the internet, the lay out is this:
Eight pages, on one side of the sheet. The sheet is in landscape, but
the pages are portrait. Nothing is on the back of the sheet. Going
clockwise from the top left page the order is: 5, 6, B, F, (then upside
down) 1, 2, 3, 4. F is the front cover and B is the back cover.

I think it is best just to look at the link to see the photo. When the
book is folded the reverse side of the sheet is completely inside the book.

You may also want to watch this video on how to fold:

  >  Are you asking about a package/extension that will print out multiple
  >  sheets that have two "pages" on each side of a duplexed sheet of paper,
  >  and printing the document where the pages will have the proper placement
  >  if you printed out the document, staples it, and fold it over?

Well, yes I would like an extension, but not two per side as you
explain. I would like the layout shown in the link.

  >Did you try with Menu/File/Print/Print layout [tab] - brochure?.
Yes, but it will not give the order and orientation in the PocketMod style.

I never have seen something like this, except a card you make by folding the paper in half and half again. Never seen an 8 face folded "booklet" before. The up-side-down 4 sections is the hard part. I do not think an extension would be easy to create to do this formatting and text rotation.

Can you do it with Legal size paper? That would give you a larger "face page" for each section.

[easiest solution - I can think of]
Now that I see the image from the URL, I would use a 3 stage printing. That is the easiest way I can think of.

   I would take a landscape page and make the bottom margin at the 5.75
   inch mark and then make the top, and side margin  1/4 inch.  Then I
   would use the Format>Page>Columns option to create 4 columns and
   make the space between columns 1/2 inch [double the margin width if
   you cannot do 1/4 inch margins].

   Then I would print out the document one "page" at a time.  Print the
   top 1-4 sections.

   Then I would realign the paper in the printer so sections 5-6, B, F
   would print out.

That may be the easiest was to do this. There are other ways, like frames with text rotated, etc., but if all you need is a printer run and not a PDF copy of the sheet, then this would be the best.

[creating a PDF form that printout]

   If you needed a PDF sheet, then you would take the printed sheet and
   scan it in as an image and insert that image into a page with Draw
   or Writer, then export it to PDF.

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