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On 04/23/2012 09:36 AM, Nino Novak wrote:
Am Montag, 23. April 2012, 05:21:35 schrieb BKh:
Is there any way to print a document into the PocketMod booklet layout?
If you happen to use Linux, you can use psutils (psnup and psbook) to print
such nice booklets. According to Google, there seems to be also a Windows
version, but I did not try it.

If it can be done with LibreOffice, I don't know. But you can export to pdf
and than print with Acrobat Reader (at least I think it's possible).


What is a "PocketMod booklet" ?
What are the page dimensions?

Are you asking about a package/extension that will print out multiple sheets that have two "pages" on each side of a duplexed sheet of paper, and printing the document where the pages will have the proper placement if you printed out the document, staples it, and fold it over?

How many "pages" or "page faces" are you printing?  10, 20, 30?

I just printed a 34 page document to the CUPs-PDF driver [instead of export to PDF]. I checked the brochure option and it printed out the pages in the proper order for printing a stack and folding it after you place a staple in it.

It seemed to print out the pages in the correct order.

SO, if you want 4 face pages per sheet, 2 pages per side of the sheet, then you the brochure option in Page Layout. It works for me.

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