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Hi :)
That sounds much easier for data-input and normal look-up use for normal users that are barely 
familiar with Word/Writer and Calc/Excel.  

Most normal office workers seem scared of using databases for even low level tasks.  This style of 
use takes away the scary front-end and gives them something more familiar.  

It sounds like a slightly tougher challenge for the designers in some ways but saves them endless 
time fiddling around lining up boxes on Forms and Reports.  If normal office workers can be allowed 
to do the fiddling then i think that suits everyone much better.  

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 18/4/12, Fernand Vanrie <> wrote:

From: Fernand Vanrie <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Problems importing an OO database into LO
Date: Wednesday, 18 April, 2012, 10:55

On 17/04/2012 23:58, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 17.04.2012 19:23, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
It looks like most of this can be done without touching Base itself?  Is LO able to use 
databases in this way already?  Is it something that could be passed to the devs list an/or the 
BoD discussion list?  Something like this could be phrased to capture the imagination,  Saying 
it's the old way might put them off.
Regards from
Tom :)

I use to use Base like this. I connect a Base document to HSQL 2.8 databases with forms and 
reports on the desktop (spreadsheet reports are sufficient for us). The Base container is nothing 
but a configuration file storing the connection URL, SQL query strings and the default log-in 
(and I left some rarely used admin forms in it).
My users do not know anything about the database document.
The content of the database document could be some XML and query strings in the configuration 
tree (just like it used to be in OOo 1).

We are using OO-LO as a front end to connect to MySQL, we no longer use  the LO-forms etc , but we 
usesDialogs and their controls (also Drids and the DataSourceBrowser)who are fed with the 
Reporting is done by feeding WriterDocs with the data, or Calc-spreadsheets for data oriented 
reports. Exporting to a spreadsheet is very slow when feeding the sheet cell by cell. But using the 
"doimport" on a cell range is lightning fast.
 For Connecting, we use the NativeConnector. We try to avoid using a OO-LO dbase doc(for safety 
reasons) and connect directly using the DriverManager. This method has a important drawback, The 
DataSourceBrowser  is not working without connecting with dbaseDoc.
when low volume selections (100 lines)using the GridControls is very use full but becomes to slow 
for big selections, here is the DataSource browser a possible workaround. GridControls however have 
the advantage that we can "color" every line, that makes it far more user friendly.
This system is used by 100 users , who can do all their  tasks with only using OO-LO



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