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On 17/04/2012 18:14, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 17.04.2012 17:38, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Would it be easy to upgrade the HSqlDb embedded in Base or would all the tweaks need to be applied? Are the tweaks vital or could they left out?
Regards from
Tom :)

The easiest improvements in my honest opinion:
- Wipe out the .odb container all together and get back to the configuration of database access in OOo 1. Back to external databases with configuration data in configuration files, forms and reports in stand-alone office documents. More speed more safety, security, accessibility and transparency. People who do not understand how to connect separated software tools do not understand the .odb container neither (as we can read in all the mail merge topics). - Remove all the half done wizards. Do not improve them. Remove! No database developer nor interface designer needs all this stinky rubbish. There are graphical tools to compose forms and reports within office documents. There is SQL for all the rest, including all the things we can not do in the current graphical interface. There are plenty of SQL editors to produce valid SQL for various databases. SQL text can be pasted into any database configuration. - Add native database queries, so the current "direct SQL mode" returns editable row sets and the (useless or even harmful) graphical query designer can be removed as well. - Having removed all the wizards (they are Java components) without losing any functionality at all, extensions could substitute .odb packages. When you open the extension, the database gets installed _permanently_ (rather than _temporarily_ like the .odb) into the configuration tree together with the forms and reports documents. The database will be registered and all the tables, queries, forms and reports are accessible form the data source window, hyperlinks and desktop links just like it used to be in OOo 1.

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