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I spent about three hours yesterday creating some very nice draw
documents from within write (Insert/Object/OLE Object/Create New).
Now I open up the thesis this morning, and they've been replaced by
large pixelated pictures of what I presume is supposed to be a plug
(for the plugin?)  A screenshot is available here:
Tools|Options|LibreOffice Writer|View|Display| - check the 'Graphics and
objects' box|OK.

Thanks, but the box is checked and graphics and objects are set to be displayed.  Other graphics 
appear just fine.

I've cut out everything except a couple of pages and made it available for download here:  If anyone can think of a solution I'd appreciate it 

a) I'd really like to use vector graphics for my thesis and 
b) Importing the svg files I've created using draw screws with the text.  I suspect Writer is 
having a problem with the fonts.


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