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On 01/17/2012 06:20 PM, Sylvia Schmidt wrote:

thank you for the suggestion but that is one way that doesn't work for me - because, I have to create a pdf which will be printed by a company that will also bind the book.
I just tested File>>Export AS PDF with a 9 page document and got it export "one-sided". The page numbers and pagination are correct.
Note, you probably want to use PDF/A-1a which is the archival version.
Within the pdf the back pages have to be blanks in order to be printed 
This should not be a problem for the printer/binder. You will need to tell them print one-sided not double-sided. One-sided is probably easier for them because any printer can be used, all printers will print one-sided documents. You will need to coordinate with the printer/binder on how they will print the document. You might check with your program/school to see if they have any recommended printers/binders who are familiar with your program's thesis requirements.
True two-sided printing requires a more expensive printer because the 
paper feed is more complex. In the US the only two-sided "printers" I 
have seen are larger office copier/printer combinations; most of the 
desktop printers print one-sided.
Many people do not have a printer capable of true two-sided printing 
because most home and office printers are designed for one-sided 
printing. They print one sheet straight through and can not reverse feed 
to print automatically on the reverse side. The paper feed is much 
simpler, hence less expensive and should be more reliable.
On 18.01.2012 00:08, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 01/17/2012 05:55 PM, Sylvia Schmidt wrote:

I'm trying to create a layout for my thesis in Writer. I know how to work (reasonably well) with page/paragraph styles.
My problem is this: I have to hand in my thesis with only one side 
of the page printed, the back has to be blank.
I would modify the default style with correct margins, footers, and styles I need. I suspect you have a different left and right margin, once this is set it will be the same for all pages. The page numbers will be correct and you will not need to modify them for printing. When you print you should be able print using your printer defaults for one-sided printing.
Under Format>>Page using the Page tab you can set your margins as 
needed. For example in the US the left margin is often 1.5 inches 
with all the other margins set to 1 inch for a thesis.
I thought I cloud cheat by only using right page styles, because Libre inserts a blank page when two even or odd page follow one another. But these blank pages change my page count. It is true that I actually have more pages than the written ones but it shouldn't show in my page number.
You do not need to use right page styles.
I tried correcting the page number - but I can't figure out how. 
With each new page the number of blank pages increases - so the 
fifth page should have the page number 3 (3 written pages plus two 
blank ones) while the ninth page should have the page number 5 (5 
written pages plus 4 blanks).
Is there an easier way to accomplish my goal? Or does anybody have 
an idea how I can correct my page number/count?
Any hints would be appreciated! Thank you for your time!


Jay Lozier

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