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Am 13.01.2012 06:15, Marni Wilson wrote:
I am new to LibreOffice, and downloaded it initially for Base.  The main purpose for my database 
search is to create a music library, with details such as vocal parts, church season, instruments, 
etc.  Some of these would be best suited as a multiple select option in the form, but I seem to be 
having difficulty creating that.  Am I missing something?  This is my third attempt to find a 
database program that will give me this it possible in Base?

Thank you for your help....
Each and every relational database can depict many-to-many (m-n) 
relationships. This is no matter of Base. Simply create the usual three 
tables and two relations in your database. The type of relation has 
absolutely nothing to do with Base.
Once you have implemented your m-n relation in your MySQL, Microsoft, 
Oracle, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB or whatever database (see status bar of your 
database document) you can make the m-n relation accessible through 
LibreOffice forms attached to an embedded Writer document or attached to 
arbitrary stand-alone documents. This makes no difference since the 
"form wizard" for embedded forms will not help you by any means.
There is a section of Base tutorials and Base examples on
*The* tutorial:
Most common misconceptions with example database:

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