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Hi :)
Sometimes there is a .lck file hidden inside the back-up folder in the User-Profile as well as the 
folder that the original document was being saved in.  A sledge-hammer answer would be to rename 
the entire User-Profile as shown in this guide
Although you could use a little finesse to just rename the sub-folder called "Backups".  

Also, expecting yourself to be instantly familiar with an Operating System that you have not used 
before after spending years becoming familiar with just 1 is asking too much of yourself.  Don't 
expect yourself to be instantly expert.  A lot of people find they learn a lot more about both 
systems during the process of becoming more familiar with their 2nd one and that often makes it far 
easier to get used to a 3rd one more easily.  At a guess it has taken years to work out all the 
things you know in Windows.  It might take a few months to get to that level in Mac but hopefully 
it will take just a couple of weeks to break some old (usually bad but necessary) Windows-habits 
and to get familiar enough to use Mac happily.  It's a journey that is well worth taking and you 
will soon find yourself regretting  that you didn't make the move earlier.  

I'm not certain but windows with a capital W tends to make people think of Microsoft Windows 
whereas with a small w is the type of thing you are talking about.  People often get very confused 
if you use the capital W.  Some people try to use the word "console" instead of "window" just to 
avoid that whole confusion but it's not widely known so it too causes confusion.  You might have 
heard the term "terminal console" instead of "command window" but that's about as far as it goes in 
'normal' usage.  [Sigh] i guess it's a bit like saying google-it rather than search-engine-it or 
hoovering rather than vacuum-cleaning.  

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 4/1/12, Dominik Wnęk <> wrote:

From: Dominik Wnęk <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: "Restore Windows" bug
Date: Wednesday, 4 January, 2012, 9:30

W dniu 04.01.2012 05:17, Amy Mandaean pisze:
Thanks for the help, Ken... but I still got nothing.  :(

Using the Finder, I found "System Preferences" and "System Information," but no folder just 
called "System," and nothing with my computer's name on it.  Also no Library folder.

Am I completely Mac illiterate??
Lion is different to Snow Leopard in that it doesn't show you the drives 
and also in that it hides the Library folder from the user.

1. Open a Finder window (click on the blue face icon in the Dock - it 
will be the first icon from the left)
2. Click on your user name in the left column (it'll have a little house 
icon next to it). If your user name doesn't appear in the left column, 
enable it in Finder preferences (Finder->Preferences...->Sidebar).
3. Press Shift-cmd-G on the keyboard (this is the equivalent of Go->Go 
to Folder.. in the top menu). A little window will pop up. Enter 
"Library" (without the quotes) and press Go. Voilà, you're in your 
Library folder
4. Go into Application Support and there you have the LibreOffice folder.

Hope this helps,


On Jan 3, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

On 1/3/12 8:21 PM, Amy Mandaean wrote:
Thanks Jay,

I have the new Lion OS, but I am MAC retarded.  ;)  Just switched over after being a
lifetime (and fairly proficient) PC user.  Can't for the life of me find this User folder...
any advice where to look?
Hi, Amy,

Regarding where to look, and this assumes Snow Leopard and Lion are the same:

1.    Open a Finder (aka folder window) for the System (boot drive/ C:\ drive in Windows speak)
2.    Open the Users Folder.  You can use the twisty triangles if you like, but I sometimes find 
the finder window becomes too complicated/filled for this old mind of mine.  Double clicking 
gives you views somewhat similar to Windows.
3.    I think you will find a folder with the name you assigned the computer when it was new.  
Double click on that folder.
4.    Double click the Library folder.
5.    Double click the LibreOffice Folder.

The 3 folder should be there, and opening the 3 folder will give you another user folder.  Macs 
seem to have user folders everywhere like weeds!   LOL

I hope this is the folder Jay is referring to.

Here's a link to a LibreOffice discussion that sounds like the same problem you are having.

The discussion contains a link to a similar discussion in the Open Office Forum.

Best of luck.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 9.0.1
Thunderbird 9.0.1
LibreOffice 3.4.4

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