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On 01/03/2012 09:38 PM, Amy Mandaean wrote:
Pretty sure I've found a bug:

Upon opening LIbreOffice, I get this error message:

"Restore Windows

The application “LibreOffice” unexpectedly quit while trying to restore its windows.  Do you want to try 
to restore its windows again?"

with two buttons:

"Don't Restore Windows"       "Restore Windows"

Neither button works, the program crashes.  Cannot view or create new documents, my entire word 
processing ability is at a standstill.

If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated!

Thank you,


If the user files are corrupted you can rename the user folder to user_old. LO will rebuild the folder automatically. The folder is found in the >>LibreOffice>>3>User. The exact path depends on your OS. Once the User folder has been rebuilt you can move any extensions/templates into the folder from the user_old folder.

This trick often works to restore a corrupted configuration.

Jay Lozier

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