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Thanks for the link to the OpenOffice thread, it is exactly the problem I am having.  Nice to know 
it will be an easy fix... once I can find the System folder!  I can't seem to find "Users" or 
"Library" at all.  Using Finder, I am pulling up "System Preferences" and "System Information," but 
no "System."  Like I said, Mac retarded.  :(

Any directives would be much appreciated!


On Jan 3, 2012, at 11:35 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 01/03/2012 11:03 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
On 1/3/12 8:21 PM, Amy Mandaean wrote:
Thanks Jay,

I have the new Lion OS, but I am MAC retarded.  ;)  Just switched over after being a
lifetime (and fairly proficient) PC user.  Can't for the life of me find this User folder...
any advice where to look?

Hi, Amy,

Regarding where to look, and this assumes Snow Leopard and Lion are the same:

1.    Open a Finder (aka folder window) for the System (boot drive/ C:\ drive in Windows speak)
2.    Open the Users Folder.  You can use the twisty triangles if you like, but I sometimes find 
the finder window becomes too complicated/filled for this old mind of mine.  Double clicking 
gives you views somewhat similar to Windows.
3.    I think you will find a folder with the name you assigned the computer when it was new.  
Double click on that folder.
4.    Double click the Library folder.
5.    Double click the LibreOffice Folder.

The 3 folder should be there, and opening the 3 folder will give you another user folder.  Macs 
seem to have user folders everywhere like weeds!   LOL

I hope this is the folder Jay is referring to.

It is the folder, I am a Linux user so I have to ask another where it is on a Mac.

Here's a link to a LibreOffice discussion that sounds like the same problem you are having.

The discussion contains a link to a similar discussion in the Open Office Forum.

Best of luck.

Jay Lozier

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