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2011/12/9 Russell Peterson <>

Sorry.  Didn't change the subject on my first mailing.

On Dec 8, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Russell Peterson wrote:

I am a new Mac and LibreOffice user.  A bad combination, no doubt.

The combination isn't bad at all... I've used LibO (and OOo before it) on
my Mac for several years now.

In any case, after a number of days of trouble-free use, I tried to shut
down a LibreOffice window and, in due course, ended up with a popup
containing the message:

      "The application "LibreOffi," unexpectedly quit while trying to
restore its windows.  Do you want to try to restore its windows again?"

The options are "don't restore windows" and "restore windows."

Selecting either had no effect.  I spoke with Mac support several times
and was able to get control of the computer using force quit on LibreOffice.

Subsequently,  I uninstalled LibreOffice and installed it again, but the
message persists, and when I used LibreOffice, I still have to use force
quit to close it down.

Can anyone tell me how to clear this situation.

Thanks very much for any assistance that can be provided.

Russ Peterson

The problem is some conflict between Lion and LibO, and not even on all
Macs with Lion. I have it from time to time on a MBP, not on my iMac.
How to avoid it: closing LibO before shutting down your computer.
It will still occur when LiboO hangs and you have to Force Quit.

Remedy: use Terminal to throw away the savedState file that seems to cause
the problem of the obstinate restore/don't restore window.

Open Terminal (in your Applications/Programs folder > Auxiliaries or Help
after the prompt ($) type:

rm -fr ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/org.libreoffice.script.savedState/

followed by a return and the problem should be solved...

You can find the Terminal command solution in bug report 39007.

It was discussed on this list a few months ago, but the bug still isn't
solved in 3.4.4, probably causing quite a few Mac-users to abandon LibO!

using LibO 3.4.4 on an iMac Intel DualCore Lion
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