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I never was able to get Ubuntu to work with either my PCI fax cards or the ones built into my laptops. I know that if you have a fax card working with its printer driver package, you can use it like a paper printer, except it asked for the fax numbers and such, then "prints" the document as a fax. With that fax printing driver/software package installed, you could fax a web page or email printout to someone, buy why would you. Any software package that allows you to choose your printers and have access to the fax options, can be faxed.

I gave up on my efforts for Ubuntu faxing and the newest printer I bought has a fax machine built into it.

Actually I once used eFax [the company] for sending and receiving of a few fax documents, but I rarely used it. I sent 3 or 4 faxes in 2011 so far, to those companies that will not give out an email address for sending the documents via it. SO faxing is no longer something most people need anymore. Some businesses, yes, while others do not.

On 12/09/2011 09:20 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 12/09/2011 03:44 PM, Arthur N. Dunning III wrote:
I would have thought so, as well, but I found this:

It was the information on this page that motivated me to ask about a fax
driver for Ubuntu.

Interesting you should bring this up... I use efax-gtk (Ubuntu 10.10)
and that works well with an old PCI fax modem. However I've not figured
out (yet) how to get it set up properly as a "printer" so that LO can
use it. In addition to your link, I've also found these as well:

[Faxing with efax-gtk with OO 2.0?]

[[SOLVED] efax virtual printer]

This one seems to work, but efax-gtk keeps crashing on me every time I
attempt to send one of the queue faxes:


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