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On 11/30/2011 06:53 AM, Joe Conner wrote:
On 11/29/2011 6:48 AM, James Finnall wrote:
Hello List,

For years with OpenOffice I was able to use a document as template to print my photos on 8 1/2"x11" photo paper by reloading the document and simply replacing the images.

I think it was UBuntu version 11 that changed me over to LibreOffice. I have found that my documents seem to load and print just fine as they were originally saved. But I have not been able to locate a method to replace the graphic images in a document, either by the top menu or by right clicking the image.

The only way I have found is to delete the image and then insert the new image from scratch! This is most difficult for precise image size and placement. I use a standard aspect on my camera (3:2) and have the image size for all four photos exactly the same. They are also positioned to allow just a barely visible white line between the photos for cutting. And the margins are set to be allowed on my printer without the images being cropped off.

To duplicate all these settings on every image is way too time consuming. I need to be able to simply change the image in the four graphic entities without effecting size, placement or aspect ratio of the original image.

Anybody have any suggestions that I might try to replace the images of a document?

Thank you,

Have you tried to insert a frame, and then put your photo into it?
Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

Have you tried linking the images instead of embedding them. Call them 1,2,3,4 and just copy over them with the new images each time.

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