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On 11/25/2011 01:33 PM, Michael Bauer wrote:
Hi ppl,

My motherboard died on me this morning so I was forced to move on to Win 7 (shudders). Anyway, when I re-downloaded LO (x86), my install process got as far as unpacking, then moved onto the C++ process and then stopped. The window disappeared and nothing happened. Running the .exe or .msi got me an error message saying the setup process was running. After shutting that down in Task Manager, didn't get any further than before. Tried a reboot, no change either. Tried 3.4.3 - same problem.
I'm flummoxed - any ideas?


Mike (the gd localization team)


Is there an older LO or OOo edition on the machine previously? I have seen some reports the Windows uninstaller may leave behind debris that confuses the installer.
I would suggest trying to run CCleaner to clean up the registry and then 
try again.
Jay Lozier

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