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Hi again
Is there an older LO or OOo edition on the machine previously? I have seen some reports the Windows uninstaller may leave behind debris that confuses the installer.
Hardly, since I only bought the system at lunchtime ;)

25/11/2011 20:50, sgrìobh V Stuart Foote:
Next step would be as Jay suggested to run a conservative registry cleaner and continuity checker, 
like CCleaner, or a more aggressive removal tool like  Revo-Uninstaller.

I know it is a new load for you, but you've had a couple of attempts now.

I had a similar experiences on upgrade to 3.4.2 following uninstall 3.4.1 without clean-up between.
Done, there was nothing that looked LO related but I told CC to clean up anyway, problem persists. o.O


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