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doug wrote:
AFAIK, Microsoft can read rtf.  Two people whom I recently sent odf to said
couldn't read it.  I'm told by people familiar with MS Word that not all
.doc files
are compatible, there having been a change somewhere along about 1998 or so.
(I don't use anything Microsoft when I can avoid it; I don't need the
If someone know that MS can _not_ read rtf, then please advise.

I think MS Office should read (and write) rtf.  If you don't have
complex documents, then I don't think there will be a problem.  But
adding tables, footnotes/endnotes, headers/footers, pictures etc. may
be a little unstable (you might get severe layout changes).

As regards doc files not being "compatible", I'd take that with a
pinch of salt.  Certainly, not all doc files are the same, and there
are cases where they don't work properly.  However, as far as I know,
rtf is less standardised and thus usually a little worse off.

If you've made your choice of format (and used it for a while), please
provide feedback to us.  It may help someone in future.


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