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On Tuesday 22 November 2011 20:49, doug wrote:
Thanx to the responders.  I'm using Linux.  In Windows I usually
use WordPerfect.
AFAIK, Microsoft can read rtf.  Two people whom I recently sent odf
to said they
couldn't read it.  I'm told by people familiar with MS Word that
not all .doc files
are compatible, there having been a change somewhere along about
1998 or so. (I don't use anything Microsoft when I can avoid it; I
don't need the viruses.)
If someone know that MS can _not_ read rtf, then please advise.

OO.o traditionally, and thus LO, do not handle RTF especially well 
from memory (IIRC images are linked by default rather than embedded).

But it gets worse. The RTF standard is actually a Microsoft standard 
which they update with each new version of Word. RTF's main advantage 
is that it is text based, not binary. But even reading it as text you 
get cryptic short codes that have precious little human meaning.

I agree with Stephan that the DOC format is the better all purpose 
format at this time. WordPerfect should also handle this format. Do 
not be discouraged by the fact that DOCX is "meant" to replace it. 
Neither Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 produce ISO standard DOCX. 
Instead they produce the deprecated ECMA-376 1st edition that was 
introduced to the ISO system before changes were made. This makes 
current DOCX documents an orphan format with no standards future.

If your documents are meant for printing and not collaborating i would 
export them as PDF's. Difference in available fonts on the host 
computer means that you can get different numbers of words on a page 
from one system to another



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