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At 22:16 19/11/2011 -0700, Jerry Noname wrote:
At 07:59 PM 11/19/2011, Brian Barker wrote:
At 18:24 19/11/2011 -0700, Jerry Noname wrote:
That blank second page is inserted by LibreWriter for some unknown reason. After you have generated the business card, press Ctrl P to bring up the print menu. Select the LibreOffice Writer tab and unselect "Print automatically inserted blank pages".

Sorry, but that's not going to help in this case. The "automatically inserted blank pages" referred to are those created when pages have been numbered and in order to ensure that odd-numbered pages are always rectos and even-numbered pages always versos. This blank page is different, being the result of an additional, empty paragraph after the end of a table which completely fills the first page. The document is merely ever so slightly longer than a single page.

But you can, of course, just as easily choose, in the print dialogue, to print only page 1.

I don't believe that is always the case. I just used the label format to create a set of 422 labels for specimens in a museum using a spreadsheet which contained all of the label data and LibreOffice Base. There were 39 pages of labels and the program inserted a blank page between each page of labels. There were no page numbers.

Sorry, but you have misunderstood what I said. You have constructed a document which contains many blank pages that you did not want. Of course you can do this, and I didn't suggest otherwise. But those are not the blank pages referred to in the "Print automatically inserted blank pages" option - and deselecting that option will not help you by suppressing those pages. The special blank pages referred to are not shown in the normal editing view, so you may not even be aware they are there. But they do appear in Page Preview, with a large grey legend "blank page" (which doesn't print, of course). Your genuine blank pages will show in editing view and also in Page Preview, but without the legend.

Since the museum required a special size label - one that did not match any of the templates, I used the closest size template and then changed the label dimensions and margins to suit our needs. Saved it as a custom template. We did not use actual labels, but printed white on black (margins included) on heavy stock and then cut the sheets apart to the proper size.

It sounds as if you have (sensibly) used tables, as did the original questioner, and left empty paragraphs between each full-page table. In fact, although you cannot remove the trailing empty paragraph after the final table (and therefore need to suppress it in one of the ways I described), you can, in fact, remove the unwanted paragraphs between the tables. So there was no need to retain all those intervening blank pages in your document.

Brian Barker

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