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On 11/19/2011 10:22 PM, Don Myers wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I think the gentleman who made the initial post is using a table style template
and not the ones which come with LibreOffice/OpenOffice. Therefore advice using
the menus in LibreOffice do not help.

I always use the table style templates. I think OpenOffice had them available as
an extension at one point, and they are available from . I want each card to be the same, so I simply copy
and past the information to the label next to it. Then I copy both cards on the
first line to the second through 5th lines. It you want multiple pages, just
copy the entire first page to the second page.

There is an easy way to prevent the blank pages. I will need access to my work
computer to be able to find that and post that here. I will not be back to the
office until Monday, and I will look it up then. I hope I can find it.


On 11/19/2011 08:24 PM, Libre User wrote:

That blank second page is inserted by LibreWriter for some unknown reason.

After you have generated the business card, press Ctrl P to bring up the print
menu. Select the LibreOffice Writer tab and unselect "Print automatically
inserted blank pages".


At 02:17 PM 11/19/2011, you wrote:
I'm trying to print out some business cards in writer. The document consists
of a 5x2 table taking up the entire page.

I'd like the first cell to be the master cell and the remaining 9 to just be
duplicates. I've tried to set the other cells as a formula =<A1>, but that
just leaves me with 0.

Is there some way to do this? If it involves fields, will it include the

As a secondary issue, the 5 cell rows are 2 inches high. The document is US
Letter (11 inches long). And the top and bottom margins are set to .5 inches
each. Therefore, everything should fit exactly. However, there is a blank
second page which I cannot get rid of. Any suggestions?

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Thank you to all of the replies. I am indeed not using the label/business card templates because I don't like the way they look nor the control I feel I have over them. If I could figure out how to create my own template that might work. For now it seems the best solution is really to just copy and paste.

I've gotten rid of the extra page by change the font size outside of the table to the smallest possible value and then decreasing the bottom margin ever-so-slightly.

The reason I'm concerned about some of these particulars is because I'm setting this stuff up for an older even-less-informed user than myself and I want him to be able to print and make small modifications without too much knowledge.



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