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Here is a British English dictionary with 98,000+ word list, hyphen, and a thesaurus that is used for en_GB, en_US, and en_CA. I thought our British users might like a 98K word list dictionary better than one with over 217K words in it.

Please look at it and see what you think. The default English dictionary has a 50K word list for en_GB but no thesaurus for it. If any of you would like to have it with the 390K or the 638K range of word lists, let me know and I will make up a version for you. I do have the words lists already.

Also, for our Canadian English friends, I will be putting out a Canadian English version[s] of my dictionaries. I do not have a 98K word list for en_CA, but I do have the 50K, 217K, 390K, and 638K range word lists.

I would like to place my versions of the English dictionaries on to the Extension Center this month, instead of having them listed only from one of my pages. American English, British English, and Canadian English. I would like to have several size of word lists for each, but all include hyphen and thesaurus controls. I would like to find an Oxford English word list [en_GB-oed], but for now the original one with 47K will have to do for those who require the "Oxford" version of modern English.

Please let me know what you think about my larger word list dictionaries, on the lists or off.
Tim L.
LibreOffice-NA.US webmaster

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