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The Wolfkin wrote:
alright well i was trying to simplify my request 

Short is good.  It's difficult to guess what details might be needed. 
Hopefully the 1st few responses will help by asking for certain types of
detail (usually OS and then the version number of  LO).  Many of us ramble
on far tooo long.  

The Wolfkin wrote:
I have a number of Singstar discs (1) for Karaoke like game playing.
inter-compatible. Each disc has about 30 songs and I can swap discs on the
fly without restarting. Plus I can download new songs for a few bucks

Sounds good.  Hopefully your database might help you select the discs you
take without always needing the intensity you put into it now.  There is a
lot to be said for allowing for serendipity instead of being too organised,
ie suddenly realising that you do quite enjoy a certain unlikely song even
if it's not for the reasons the artist intended.  

I feel i have learned a lot from this thread and remember first time i
struggled through this sort of thing in Access.  I would have greatly
appreciated the help that people are able to give through a mailing-list,
especially with so many good people happy to help on it.
Regards from
Tom :)

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