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On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 09:39 +0100, Mark Stanton wrote: 

I think the simple answer to your question ("Is this the same in LO") 
is "yes".  But, as others have suggested, it is because you haven't 
quite got the right way of looking at it.

Using a database rather than a spreadsheet allows you to group things 
according to the content of the data rather than where it is.

With a database you can pull out any of subset of your data by 
selecting a group according to one of it's unique factors, for 
example "select all phone numbers from people in the advanced group" 
(for example) because you have a field in your data for "advanced 
group", not because all those people are in a separate file.
I've worked on large databases written by so-called professionals 
which used tables to separate data, and it is almost always just 
slower and more complicated than arranging the data better.

I'd guess from some of the things you've said in your last mesage 
that you've read Mariano Casanova's Step by Step guide to Base.  It 
has a very good section on organising data that I think will make 
your life much easier.

In general it looks like Base (either LO or OOO) only accesses one 
database at a time.  You probably want to stop thinking so much about 
"files" since the concept doesn't help very much in most of the 
context of what you want to do.

As a last note, I'm using a MySQL backend under Fedora and no, it's 
not fast.  I'll look into why, but I wonder if it's the JSQL 
interface too.

When I use Base with MySQL/MariaDB I use the direct connection option. I
forget which package is needed for this, I know I installed a MySQL to
LO connection from the Ubuntu repositories. The connection seems
reasonably quick and I can access all the databases/schemas on my box. 

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

Jay Lozier

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