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Regina Henschel wrote

jowyta schrieb:

A long unresolved problem with base was its
inability to link to more than one external database at a time.

It is for this reason (needing to link to more than one table) that
I have had to use base's internal HQLDB database.

I don't understand your reasoning. The issue is about connecting to
two different databases with the same odb-document. For example
connecting to MySQL and PostgreSQL at the same time. That has
nothing to do with more than one table. You can have as much tables
in a database as you need.

What is your problem and in which way does the internal HSQLDB helps

My problem was that if I had tables in different files, even if they used the same database structure, then base could not link to more than one of them. This seems to be a facility that various people need.

It might be a solution for me if I could have several tables in the same file provided that I could manipulate them from base rather than having to use a separate database programme. If this is possible, are there some instructions somewhere as to how to extract the data to a separate file?

Kind regards


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