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Le 13/10/11 10:54, John Talbut a écrit :

Hi John,

I am aware of this.  I am not really interested in who is to blame, it
needs sorting for current versions of JDK.  If you or anyone has any
idea what the change is in JDK that has led to this problem please
answer at
where I have asked this specific question.

Well, that will probably be rather hard to answer since the LibreOffice
project doesn't develop the Java runtime engine or development kit. Only
those who work on the JDK/JRE are likely to know why things suddenly
went pear-shaped, and as far as I know no-one amongst the LibreOffice
development is involved in Oracle's Java development. I imagine that the
same could be said for those former developers who worked
for Oracle and are now working at IBM, Redhat or wherever, as they were
after all, separate projects.

In the past, when similar events happened with, AFAIK it
was the JDK that Sun/Oracle had to fix, and not the other way around.

From what I remember, it was often some accessibility code change within
the JDK that caused the problems. Perhaps, and I say just perhaps, you
could check to see whether you have any accessibility options activated
(system-wide), and then turn them off to see if that brings a mild
improvement ? If not, then I know no other solution other than a
downgrade (or dual installation with an earlier version) of the JDK.


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