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Thanks for the suggestion Tom,
a colleague programmer of mine, already suggested a workaround until this
issue is resolved in LO. There is a set of APIs in .NET that could be used
to sign MS Format documents without the need to have MS Office installed.
This is because MS formats use a standardized container defined by MS which
handles the task of digital signing.

And about digital signatures vs copyright, in simple terms,
Probably you already know this, but for the sake of the discussion, digital
signing is a process by which you can verify that a given document and it's
current contents "originates" from a specific user and only from him and
nobody else. This user is first correctly identified that he really is who
he claims he is by a certification authority (CA) which gives him the
certificate he can use to sign. 

The second part is verification. If I TRUST the CA that gave this user a
certificate and if the signature is valid, I can be sure that the document
"originates" from him and is not altered after signing or altogether created
by a third untrusted party.

As such, (i think) it is somewhat different from the CC license, or
copyright in general.


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