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Le 13/09/11 09:46, draganb a écrit :

Hi Dragan,

Hi all,
we started using LibreOffice as an alternative to MS Office in our
organization, on some of the computers. It all started well, but we've hit a
wall with digital signing. As I understand, the document must be in
OpenDocument format for the signing to work. The problem is that we will not
be able to use the LibreOffice native format in the near future and we are
stuck with the MS formats for which the signing doesn't work.

Is there any way around this? Or maybe I should post this as a feature

The problem with digitally signing someone else's document format is
that one has to know at what level the signature intervenes, i.e. is
this MSOffice specification fully documented ? If it isn't, then

1) it would probably be a fairly significant task to attempt to reverse
engineer the job so that it works with the docx/xlsx export filters ; and

2) it may not even be legal to do so under the terms of the DMCA without
approval from Microsoft.

As I know nothing about the specification for managing and implementing
digital signatures into docx/xlsx documents, I really don't know.

When you open your feature request bug report, it would be a good idea
if you could find documentation pointing to the implementation details,
since that would give any potentially interested developer a headstart.


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