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On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 20:13, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
It might be worth contacting the IT Staff that are going to install the
and make the point that your work requires using specialist software or
something or that you prefer using Firefox because it's safer and faster
Internet Explorer and you feel the same way about Office.

It takes a lot of luck to find the right angle but it would be great if you
could get Firefox and LibreOffice installed alongside whatever they are
told  to
force you to use.  Firefox has built a strong reputation for being
and popular so the IT guys might be happy to let you install that and then
LibreOffice is "similar" but just not as famous yet.  Perhaps other people
work might be happy to join in kicking up a fuss about getting Firefox on
machines too.

I had Firefox before my co-worker - with whom I have to share the work
computer - blew it away because the IT guy standing over his shoulder told
him it was "illegal".  Mind you, they gave everyone Chrome, so we can use
that.  I have kept OOo/LO thus far, but the future is bringing changes I
don't like.  I have been a fairly active advocate, even if I have been a
little quiet the last couple years.

The portable will probably have to suffice in my case.  But trust me, where
I can, I do advocate, implement, use and teach about libre software.

I have subscribed to the documentation list, and plan to eventually start
helping with editorial/writing tasks.  I've got a busy period coming up, but
should be able to contribute a little something looking toward October.



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