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On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 22:01, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
I think you are looking for
but it only works on Windows machines.

On linux machines you will probably find that LibreOffice is already
although some have stayed with OpenOffice.  You are more likely to be
allowed to
install LibreOffice directly onto a Gnu&Linux machine if it doesn't already
it.  You do soemtimes find kiosk machines that wont let you install
anything but
generally  multi-user Gnu&Linux machines have much less need to be
than Windows machines so you should be able to install LibreOffice

Thanks for that, Tom.  I actually have a situation in which this is going to
be useful.  I have been exploring some of the other portable apps as well.
My workplace is going to soon roll out new systems, and I understand they
are being locked down in terms of what can be installed on them.  I have had
OOo/LO on my box for several years, and know that they are talking about not
allowing other programs to be installed beyond what they specify.

While I understand their concerns, I absolutely find working with MS Office
to be mostly just awful.  OK, Excel is not bad, but Word, well... I just
can't take it.  Anyway, Portable Apps gives me the ability to use LO without
having to install it.  There is also the portable VirtuaWin, which lets me
have my virtual desktops in their Windows environment.

The bottom line?  I feel much more at home at work now.  :-)

D.C. Parris, FMP, LEED AP O+M, ESL Certificate
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