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Hi :)
This is a good list to ask any kind of questions on.  if we don't know a good 
answer then we probably know a good place to point you to.  

However in this particular case it seems that people have no idea what you 
mean!  Lol.  

1.  I would guess that normal "Spreadsheet Design Services" could easily adapt 
to using LibreOffice / OpenOffice if you asked them.  It's possible that they do 
most of their development in Calc anyway and then export it to Excel formats.  
As LibreOffice is rapidly increasing in usage it makes sense for such services 
to start getting used to it.  

2.  There are a lot of skilled and talented people in here that might be able to 
help but it would be good to have an example of an organisation that does this 
type of service for other packages so that we could gauge whether it is 
something that might be viable for some of us to think about.  Perhaps that 
might give us a nudge and remind us of something that does already exist that 
does something like this.  Btw which country are you in?

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Jack Cambel <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Mon, 5 September, 2011 16:03:43
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Spreadsheet Design Services?

Sorry if this not related to User. I was wondering if there are any spreadsheet 
design services that uses libreoffice anyone can point me towards. I'm curious 
about if such a business exists and how much such would charge.

Thanks in advance,
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