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Your reason[s] why the problem is there, you may just hit the target. Since MS's "x" formats did not become the International standard, as ODF formats did, it would make sense that MS would do their own thing with their use of ODF. MS wants the world to use their file formats that they control. So it comes to reason that the LO/OOo/etc. community would differ with MS's thinking on what is proper within ODF files.

I prefer ODF, but if you are going to need to use it with Excel as well as Calc, then you will need to save it as .xls [stay away from .xlsx please] so your MS people will be happy.

The fact that ODF is the International Standard for Office suite file formats over MS, even though it is still a "growing" format tells us a lot, or at least to me. It seems that the developers of ODF is slowly adding the parts that need "formal" definitions instead of doing it quickly and badly as MS sometimes does. I believe MS has tried to do everything they could to get on the controlling group of ODF and to have one more avenue for controlling the office suite market. [ MS - if we make ODF bad enough, then people will not use it or FOSS for their office needs and come back to "us" ]

So, after all the ranting and raving, if you need to use MS Excel for the spreadsheet client, just save it as .xls instead of .ods. I do not think MS will ever read/write the same version of ODF as everyone else uses unless they own/control the format, and that will never happen.

On 09/07/2011 11:19 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
I have a LibreOffice Calc file that I use every day.  I keep it as an ODF (.ods extension) file.

If I open it in Microsoft Office AS AN ODF FILE (not saved as .xls or .xlsx), I receive the 
following warning:

"Excel found unreadable content in 'myfile.ods'. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook?  
If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."

When I click "Yes," the document opens fine with one important differences: All formulas are 
removed and only their last result is in the cells that had those formulas.

This is a known incompatibility between LO/OO.o.  Microsoft supports ODF 1.1 and ODF 1.1 has no 
specification of formulas.  So Microsoft implements and recognizes Excel formulas in ODF 1.1 
Spreadsheets.  Microsoft ODF 1.1 support does not recognize OpenFormula formulas, introduced in ODF 
1.2 and now produced, I believe, by the latest versions of LibreOffice if not all of them.
It is my understanding that Microsoft Excel support for ODF 1.1 Spreadsheets also doesn't accept 
the formulas used by Calc in ODF 1.1 documents.  But the 
message from Microsoft Excel, if any, might not be the same for that case.  I must try it.

I think the reverse is also true: that OO.o/LO do not recognize or at least don't promise to 
correctly process the formulas that Microsoft Excel produces in ODF 1.1 documents.  (Note that I am 
not talking about .xls and .xslx documents, but ODF 1.1 .ods documents produced by current 
Microsoft Excel versions.)

  - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcello Romani []
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 01:00
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc corrupted an Excel xlsx file, should I report a bug?

Il 07/09/2011 09:56, Roelof Oomen ha scritto:
I got a corrupted Excel xlsx file when I opened and subsequently saved it using LibreOffice Calc. When I open 
it in Excel the message is "Excel found unreadable content [...]", but opening it again in Calc 
does not produce any errors.

Should I file a bug? Or is someone interested in the file in order to improve the xlsx saving 
abilities of Calc?


Are you sure you /really/ saved it with Excel format, or did you just
type the xlsx extension in the save as dialog (I ask because I did that
same mistake once) ?

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