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Le 02/09/11 18:46, Don C. Myers a écrit :

Hi Don,

of interest. I've been using Base since it first came out, so probably 8
years, +/-.  Prior to that I used Paradox in windows. Base was used in
Windows for about 5 1/2 years, and in Ubuntu the last 2 1/2 years. I
always have one machine where all changes are made. Then I keep updated
copies on 3 other machines. I've had different computer upgrades during
that time also. Knock on wood, but Base has always performed perfectly
for me on my main work computer which has the original, and the others
which I keep updated. Not one issue in all of that time. This isn't a
huge database. It has about 2600 records in. Hopefully I never run into
the issue you mentioned above!!!!!!!

Well, most of these are from other users where I've stepped in to try
and help out, or had to deal with employees struggling to get their ODB
file back into shape, or even loading :-))

I like you, have been pretty lucky so far, from a personal point of
view, but then I have always preferred to use mysql rather than the
internally provided hsqldb.


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